The primary purpose of the H.B. McDANIEL FOUNDATION is to honor and foster the work of Professor H.B. McDaniel, the first Director of Guidance for the California State Department of Education and Professor of Psychology and Education at Stanford University, by improving the field of guidance and counseling and thereby assisting in the optimal growth and development of youth and adults of our present and future times.

Provide an open forum for the exchange of research and of new ideas and practices relating to guidance and counseling programs/services.
Hold annual H.B. McDaniel Foundation/CASC Northern California Workshops on the Stanford Campus providing cutting edge professional development to Northern California School Counselors.
Recognize those individuals and professional groups who are developing new, improved or exemplary counseling and guidance programs/services for all ages and settings. Over the years 49 Individual Award Winners, 35 Professional Groups and over 100 Hall of Fame Inductees have been recognized for their contributions to the field of School Counseling.
Assist and encourage graduate students to engage in the study of counseling and guidance. Over the past 15 years, $22,700 has been awarded to graduate students demonstrating outstanding achievement in Research and Service to the School Counseling profession.